Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Circuit from 2/8

1 min per exercise
Warm up:

High knees (add arms)
High knees to side (wide)
Side lunge into stretch
Mountain Climbers
Standing wide leg stretch

Set 1:
Knee to Tricep hold plank 
Squat  knee up alt
Lunge hold (switch legs after 30 sec)
Sit up (criss cross legs)
pike push up
   Set 2:
Reverse plank (tabletop)
Little jumps arms out to side
Squat kick (alt legs)
Superman ball squeeze

Repeat set 1 and 2

Cool down:
One Arm across body (pull) then switch after 30 sec
grab foot, point knee (for thigh stretch) switch after 30 sec, 
point one toe up stretch then switch after 30 sec, 
then wrist, twist side side , neck rolls ,deep breathes ,shoulders back (20-30 sec stretch for all the rest)