Friday, September 27, 2013

Favorite Devotional Book?

So do you have a favorite devotional book? We'd love to know what has really helped, spoken, grown you... Please comment here or on our FB page what your favorite one is. Some of ours are: 31 Days of Prayer by Warren and Ruth Myers Jesus Calling- Sarah Young The Purpose Driven Life-Rick Warren We were thinking that if you have some favorites devotionals around your house that you are not using, maybe we could bring them to class one day and swap them? We have some we can bring... I'd put your contact information in the book and who ever takes your book can contact you to give it back when they are done. This would have to be on the honor system... Anyone interested?

1 comment:

  1. I just started Ann Voskamp's book and devotional "one thousand gifts." It is awesome! She is such a gifted writer. All about being thankful at all times, finding joy is always possible! She calls you to list one thousand things you are thankful for. Some of, zumba, gps, and chip clips. ~amber perkins
