Monday, December 29, 2014


8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph. 2:8-9 Aren't we glad that God's Word tells us His grace does not depend on our performance?? Man, I'd be in a bad place if it did…anyone else with me? As 2015 starts, many of us do New Year's resolutions. I think it would be great if we can do one together. How about we commit to reading the Bible? You can commit to a daily thing or 4-5 times a week. You can do books at a time or just chapters or verses to meditate on. The point is to do it more than you do it now. I'd like you to write your commitment to yourself (and God) on a paper and put it in an envelope and seal it. No one else will see it, but sometimes we do better with a promise to ourselves if we write it down. Put your name on the front of the envelope and give it to us. We will keep them until we break for the summer. You are welcome to list other things that you want to commit to, but right now I want you to set your goal to be of the spiritual nature and think of a way that you can grow more in that area. I'm sure that all of us could use that, right? If you want some additional help, just let us know. We have lots of devotional books and blogs that we can list, as a matter of fact I'm reading an app right now that is pretty great. It's called SheReadsTruth and there is a free version. There are also versions in this that you can purchase, but I'm doing the free one and it is wonderful. There are others that are great too in the app store: Jesus Calling, d365 Daily Devotionals, Girlfriends in God Devotional… If you can do this by Thursday (Jan. 8) and bring it to class and give it to us you can get into class free that night. So, get your letters written. Do it for yourself! We pray this will bless you (and grow you) in 2015! Kacey and Candace

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